I appreciate seeking out books on wellness and healthier approaches to holistic living inasmuch as I appreciate a wicked good health-conscience cookbook which enriches my spirit to find better ways of combing the foods I love to consume. When I first learnt about the Return to Food blog tour, I was quite happy to realise I could interview the author whilst providing my own thoughts on behalf of her book. I took this opportunity to ask some pointed questions about curating a healthier lifestyle and the reasons behind why society as a whole might have altered their perception about the realities of health and their mindfulness of approaching wellness from a plant-centered and seasonal point of view. I have been an advocate for the locavore movement in my own community, as I appreciate the farmers who are bringing naturally grown fruit and veg to the farm stands. I appreciate knowing where the food is coming from and how the food is being produced at the farm itself. It is a wonderful way to become involved with the cycle of food and the process of how what we eat (and it’s effect on our health) is in-part derivative of the nutrients the foods may or may not be able to give us depending on how they are sourced. Join me as I start-up a stimulating conversation with Ms Strong! Chances are if you are feeling flat, fat and tired, or are experiencing chronic illness, you are not eating real food. If you want to bounce out of bed feeling fit and fabulous you must find out what is and isn’t real food. This book challenges prescriptive approaches to diet, eating and food, with a revolutionary philosophical approach based on over 20 years of working with private clients. This approach has seen thousands of people develop a more pleasurable, healthier, and more sustainable eating lifestyle. Published by: Influence Publishing Inc. (@influencepub) Add to Riffle | Public Library | Available Formats: Paperback Converse via: #ReturnToFood, #heathlyeats, & #vegan When I first started to read Return to Food what I appreciated the most about the layout […]